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We stand for Safety Solutions of the Future.

The Safety Congress, launched in 2022, has been a great success since it's first event.

Many important partners of Total Safety Europe, for example clients from the petrochemical and refinery, energy and metal sectors, seem to have finally found the right platform for information and exchange on all areas of industrial safety.

Since then, the number of visitors and registrations has grown every day.

Vorträge für Teilnehmer vom Safety Congress

A highlight from the event is the lectures by top-class representatives from business and industry, whose topics range from innovations and developments as well as future trends and challenges from a wide variety of segments. At the same time, industry giants, such as MSA, 3M, Honeywell and Bartels Rieger will be presenting their latest trends, products and innovations at the Total Safety exhibition site.

Zuschauer beobachten eine Vorführung

During the event, all participants and exhibitors will be provided with
excellent catering, so that nothing stands in the way of a carefree meeting and
exchange between all visitors.


The entire Total Safety Europe team would be happy to welcome you personally soon.
Register today to take part of the Safety Congress 2024 and be
where the future of industrial safety meets.

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